The South African ambassador commemorates the birth of Mandela to Dinsos DKI


A United Nations representative planted a tree together in Panti Dinsos, Jakarta (19/7 – 2018). JAKARTA – The Ambbadador of South Africa commemorates Nelson Mandela's International Day at the Putra Utama 3 Social Institution for Children, owned by the United States. Jakarta Social Agency, Planting Trees and Social Work

(19659003) The Chief of Asuhak Anak Putra Utama 3 The Social House of Ucu Rahayu said that this visit can be a valuable lesson for the children in the example of the abstinence of the fight for justice of a Mandela.

19659003] "To commemorate the struggle, every day of the birth of Nelson Mandela, South Africans including those from Indonesia fill it with social work in the neighborhood, to show that they have the character of Nelson Mandela, "he said Thursday. 2018)

July 18, the birthday of Nelson Mandela, moral leader in South Africa, designated as the International Day by the United Nations.

For 27 years, Nelson Mandela was interned for defending the truth. On the sidelines of the celebration, South African Ambbadador Hilton Fisher performed social work in the form of helping to clear the field, cook food in the kitchen, plant trees in the form of chilli pepper He also joined the UN troupe that was planting the Tin and Bidara trees, a tree of heaven, a symbol of Nelson Mandela's life and his struggle to be nurtured and continued.

"The tree is life, we could have left but this tree will continue to grow as a symbol of the struggle," he explains

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