The story of Juliane Koepcke, survive alone after the fall of her plane from the altitude 3.048 M


TRIBUNMANAOD.CO.ID – In the 1960s to the 1970s, the national airline PeruLANSA was labeled as bad

Some of its planes crashed causing the death of more than 200 people.

In 1966 LANSA flight 501 sank in the mountains and killed 49 people inside, including six crew members.

Less than four years later, LANSA 502 flights suffered the same fate

. 19659002] Although the reputation of the airline has deteriorated, LANSA continues to operate

because LANSA has become the main means of transportation from one city to another in Peru

The 24 December 1971, flight LANSA 508 Lima to Pucallpa in the central region of the country.

<img src = "×0/photo/2018/06/30/3852382373.jpg" alt = " airliner

Among the pbadengers were two Germans, ornithologists Maria Koepcke and 17-year-old daughter Juliane Koepcke.

They went to Pucallpa to meet her husband, Hans-Wilhelm Koepcke, a zoologist who researches in the Amazonian jungle

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