The story of the CEO of Lippo Group on Bahagianya Invest in NTT


KUPANG, – Lippo Group CEO James Riady published several records for his company while he was investing in East Nusa Tenggara.

James says that one of them was Governor Frans Lebu Raya. "The governor and his staff never ask us for money or have the impression that the governor and his staff only want to build and build quickly thanks," James said when dozens of men of business expressed their thanks after receiving the award charter at GOR Oepoi, Kupang, NTT, Friday (13/7/2018).

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Di Kupang, Lippo built hospitals, ran schools and built shopping malls since 2011. At least 360 new jobs have been opened through the effort.

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After the meeting, Lippo continued to be moved and called to invest in Kupang, which is economically limited and needs support.

"If you are doing business and making profits, not Kupang or NTT," says James

"Our existence is not just a coincidence.Our families and business groups are seeing parties from Indonesia where we participate.NTT continues to appear.Many times I met with the Governor, our hearts are called until we come, "he added. .

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James claims that NTT requires physical development, but it continues human transformation more important.

"As a result, we build schools, hospitals and create jobs," he said

. with the support of entrepreneurs and all parties during his leadership.

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Presentation of certificates of merit to dozens of entrepreneurs At the ceremony of "the end of the governor and Deputy Governor of NTT Governor and Deputy Governor of NTT. "About one thousand people attended the GOR until the end of the event.

In addition to James, Chairul Tanjung was also awarded for build a shopping center and open at least 200 jobs.

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