Merdeka.com – A total of 12 members of the football team and his coach disappeared as they entered the Tham Luang Nang cave in the mountains in the middle of the forest in Chiang Rai Province,, last Saturday. The cave was about 6-8 kilometers long and they were trapped inside when heavy rain blocked the main entrance to the cave.
Reported on Friday 29/6 CNN website, the teenager was between 11 and 16 years old and his coach was 25 years old A guardian officer found a number of bicycles and their shoes near the school. entrance to the cave
The football team was lost in the cave after the coach took them to the cave after training five days ago. always trying to find them teams helped by the American and British military. The research team is trying to find another way to save the missing victim in the cave.
Thai Prime Minister Prayut Chan-ocha visited the cave site today and met with rescuers and relatives of the missing victims. I do not worry about how the agents work, I worry about their long stay in the cave, "Chan-ocha said.
Tham Luang Nang Cave No Thailand CNN
Heavy rains and floods two days ago inside the cave have blocked the efforts of the research team. Josh Morris, founder of Climbing Adventures climber group Chiang Mai, who has often entered the cave, said he was still optimistic about the possibility of finding lost victims safely.
"I am sure that there is hope, they have not been in a week and they have been in this cave, I am in this cave and I think that They know where they are going and can find a safe place. "Morris to CNN
The cave is famous for being a tourist site frequented by tourists and difficult climbers because of its many tunnels and lakes. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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