The total financial financing of Astra reaches 80 trillion rupiah


End of December 2017, the total badets of Astra Financial reached 271 billion rupiahs

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – Astra Financial continues to encourage automobile growth in Indonesia. Among them offering various financing products for both cars and motorcycles.

Director of PT Astra International Tbk and Director in charge of Astra Financial Suparno Djasmin said that in 2017, the total distribution of Astra Financial financing reaches Rp 80,000 billion. "So this year, we hope, at least has not declined compared to last year, "he told reporters in Jakarta on Tuesday, Sept. 24.

) and Astra Credit Company (ACC) to become the largest contributor of financing. However, other companies such as Toyota Astra Financial Services (TAF) also have a large portfolio.

With the profit contribution, he said, last year, Astra Financial contributed about 20% to PT Astra International Tbk. "I hope this year our performance will improve," said Suparno.

In addition, he said, the financial services division of PT Astra International aims, in 2018, can handle the business cautiously. "So managing our badets with good risk management, hope that badets grow and give a healthy profit is also positive," he explained.

For information, at the end of December 2017, Astra Financial reached Rp 271 billion. With the composition of bank badets up to 55 percent and 45 percent non-bank.

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