The transaction through GPN reached 11.58 billion rupees – VIVA


VIVA – Bank Indonesia continues to encourage people to use debit cards bearing the National Gate of Payment or the GPN. Registered, the growth of transactions through the Garuda red logo card has seen a major jump since its launch in 2017.

Deputy Director of the Department of Electronics and Payment Gateway BI Aloysius Donanto said in the range December 2017 to date, debit card transactions Amount of 107.48% per month

"Growth is a very large total of monthly debit transactions," Donanto told Bank Indonesia Building, Jakarta on Monday July 30, 2018.

As for the total GPN logo debit card transactions, Donanto said, from October 2017 to June 2018, it reached Rp11, 58 billion transactions totaling 24 million transactions [19659005] "October 2017 to June 2018 total transactions across the total GPP Rp11, 58 trillion." We see on the implementation side as gradually, that is, when the bank is gradually ready to enter. So start our October transactions For information, Bank Indonesia revealed that transactions using GPN cards will be much more efficient than those using foreign-switched debit cards such as Mastercard, Visa, Unionpay, or JCB.

Because, all interbank payments will be one and an interconnected alias has been established interconnectivity and interoperability. Thus, if the discount rate of the previous merchant (MDR) on each transaction is charged from 2 to 3% of the total transaction, the MDR can be reduced from 0.15% to 1% only via this logo card. GPN.

With GPN, data security is also more aroused because the whole process is done in the country via a home network like ATM Bersama, Prima, Alto and Link.

Even people can benefit from lower administrative costs because all the processing is domestic and banks are not charged a logo license fee that previously had to be deposited up to 2 billion US dollars a year.

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