The UN calls for a suspended military operation in Syria


The conflict in Syria has damaged regional stability.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, NEW YORK – Secretary-General Antonio Guterres is deeply concerned about the military offensive that took place in the southwestern region of Syria. "The United Nations calls on all parties to maintain their commitment and to respect international humanitarian law and human rights, to protect civilians, to provide security and unimpeded humanitarian access," said a spokesman. – United Nations , Stéphane Dujarric was quoted as saying Middle East Monitor Saturday (30/6).

As is known, the southwestern region of Syria is part of an agreement free from any military activity agreed between Jordan, Russia and America. United

He added that all parties should call for an end to attacks on educational and health facilities. In fact, all parties should protect these facilities.

In addition, Russia is dragging 1,140 military personnel from Syria

The UN also urges the international community to unite and end the widespread conflict. Turkey has also condemned the regime of President Bashar Albadad, accused of attacking civilians in the southwestern region of Syria

"In the province of Daraa and Quneitra of the southwestern region of Syria , declared a free zone of all military activity, hundreds of innocent people were killed, "said the spokesman of the Turkish Foreign Ministry, Hami Aksoy, Friday 29/6. Terrorist

Separately, UN Secretary-General Guterres says the world must deal with terrorism together. "We must fight terrorism together, with methods that do not jeopardize the rule of law and the rights of the people." (19659003) " Friday (29/6).

According to him, countries should be involved in all efforts that can prevent the birth and development of terrorism. empowerment of young people through education, employment and training, and the involvement of women and all civil society in the fight against terrorism.

It considered that the prevention of was the key in this regard. "Terrorists remain determined to find weaknesses in their defense, to stay ahead of the terrorists, I call on the international community, the private sector and universities to share knowledge, knowledge and the resources to prevent new technologies from becoming a deadly terrorist weapon, "Guterres said.

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