Guterres described the persecution that hit the Rohingyas as a "nightmare of human rights and humanity".
Hidayatullah.com- UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres invites the world community to participate in the United Nations badistance to help about one million Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh.
Written by the Xinhua News Agency Gutteres says, "It is impossible not to feel grief after seeing the suffering of the Rohingyas."
Guterres thanks the Bangladesh government for its work. having placed some 700,000 refugees in the Cox-Bazar region, southern Bangladesh, since August 2017.
"It is difficult to accept when the Rohingyas also suffer – a long time in Myanmar must continue to live in difficult conditions in this camp that can not be avoided ", katany (19659008) The President of the World Bank, Jim Yong Kim, and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo, attended the visit ( 19659008)
The Secretary-General of the United Nations heard the unimaginable cruelty of the Rohingyas
Meanwhile, Gutteres called for further international pressure on Myanmar to create a sense of security for the hundreds of thousands of Rohingyas who have fled the country since they were victims of intimidation and military violence last August.
who signed an agreement with Myanmar in May in the hope that this initiative would allow thousands of Rohingyas to return home alone in complete safety. "The Memorandum of Understanding is the first step in respecting the progressive rights of the people," he said.
Last Monday (02/06/2018), Antonio Guterres admitted to having heard the "unimaginable" history of violence that struck the Rohingya ethnic minority while he was visiting refugee camps on the Bangladesh border,
Read: UN urges Protected Myanmar Rohingya's son
Guterres describes the persecution that hit the Rohingyas as a "nightmare of human rights and human rights" # 39; humanity. "
"At the Cox & Bazar refugee camp in Bangladesh, I heard the unimaginable story of the murder and rape of a Rohingya refugee who recently fled Myanmar. justice and return home safe and sound, "said Guterres Twitter
" The Rohingyas are one of the most discriminated and vulnerable communities on the planet, "he said. , e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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