WASHINGTON, KOMPAS.com – The Donald Trump government is trying to create new political and security alliances with six Gulf countries, Egypt and Jordan.
Launch of SCMP the alliance is designed as a preparation against the expansion of Iran in the Persian Gulf region. The White House source said the US government wanted to see deeper cooperation among the Arab states in missile defense, military training, counterterrorism and other issues that strengthen economic ties and diplomatic.
Addition of a source, this cooperation, temporarily called Middle East Strategic Alliance (MESA), should be discussed at a meeting in Washington in October
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According to White House sources, the Saudi authorities first raised the issue # 39; idea of a safety pact before Trump's visit last year. he announced a mbadive arms agreement. But the proposals of the alliance did not reach an agreement.
While the source of a number of Arab countries involved, also confirmed a new effort to reactivate the plan to form the alliance. "1965A002" MESA will serve as a bulwark against the Iranian aggression, terrorism, extremism and bring stability to the Middle East, "said a spokesman for the National Security Council of the White House. [19659007] But the spokesman refused to confirm the deliberations planned at a summit in Washington in October
was presented to Gulf and Arab country allies, but a senior Iranian official stated that the United States and its regional allies had intensified tensions in the Middle East on the pretext of ensuring stability. "The approach will not work but will widen the gap between Iran, a regional ally See also : Qatar confirms that there will be no conflict with Iran
The biggest potential obstacle to the realization of the alliance is the 13-month crackdown between Arabs. Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have imposed a blockade on Qatar, considering that the country supports terrorism.
But Riyadh and Abu Dhabi badured Washington that the loophole would not hinder the alliance. e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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