The United States calls for the isolation of the Venezuelan State of the Allies


Pence offers 2 million US dollars to Ecuador.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, QUITO – US Vice President Mike Pence urges Latin American countries to isolate Venezuela. Pence met with Ecuadorian President Lenin Moreno as part of a tour of Latin America

"A particular threat to our collective security exists in (our mind) Venezuela's continued decline in dictatorship, looting and despair", said Mr. Pence. He said that the United States has respectfully urged Ecuador and US allied allies across the region to take further steps to isolate the Maduro regime.

Pence is also offering two million US dollars to Ecuador to handle the growing influx of Venezuelan migrants. The number of refugees continues to grow in social service agencies in Latin American countries

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro condemns Pence's statement regarding Venezuelan isolation. "The sick and obsessive Mike Pence travels to Latin America and is campaigning that he has failed in this South American mini-tour," Maduro said in a television show.

On Wednesday, Maduro called Pence "venomous and venomous snakes". He promised to defeat Washington's attempts to overthrow his reign.

See also,

Venezuelan President Called the Vice-venom of the American Snake

Washington imposed sanctions against Venezuela. Venezuelan senior officials and dissuade US investors from buying newly issued bonds

Ecuadorian President Moreno did nothing to stop the isolation of Venezuela. Nor does he insist on the participation of the UN Secretary-General in the management of this crisis. "We believe that the solution for Venezuela can only be solved by Venezuela," he said.

Moreno said that Ecuador had received nearly 150,000 Venezuelans and was concerned about the humanitarian crisis in that country. According to Moreno, Ecuador seeks to improve relations with the United States, which are fragile under the reign of Rafael Correa, Maduro's socialist ally.

The United States and Ecuador agreed to exchange information on drug trafficking and international crime. The United Nations estimates that nearly one million Venezuelans will leave the country between 2015 and 2017. This situation is due to famine, unemployment and an increased risk of disease

. Maduro said the Venezuelan situation was the result of an "economic war" launched against him by opposition politicians with Washington's help.

Meanwhile, OPEC oil production has dropped sharply. Export of the state oil company Petróleos de Venezuela S.A. (PDVSA) fell by 32% in the first half of June compared to May

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