The US dollar and the euro frustrates the Trump-Juncker facade


The broker checks the rupee and the US dollar in Jakarta on Monday (07/02/2018). ANTARA / Puspa Perwitasari, JAKARTA – The US dollar index is thin on Wednesday morning (25/7/2018), in anticipation of a meeting between US President Donald Trump and the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker

Based on Bloomberg data, the US dollar index, which tracks the movement of the greenback against a number of global currencies, increased by 0.04 % or 0.035 points to 94.648 at 11.39 GMT. with a weakening of 0.025 points or 0.03% at 94.588, after trading Tuesday (24/7) ended down 0.02% or 0.019 points to 94.613.

Meanwhile, the exchange rate of the euro continued to drop 0.06 Tuesday, at 11:50 GMT, after closing down 0.04% to $ 1.1687 on Tuesday.

According to Reuters, fears of a trade war with the United States kept the euro in the narrow range when Juncker ran Washington, today, to discuss trade issues with Trump

. The discussion took place after the United States imposed tariffs on steel and aluminum from the EU. Trump has also threatened to extend these measures to cars manufactured by the EU.

"If there is a new escalation of trade problems, it could potentially hurt riskier badets and put pressure on the US dollar against the yen," said Shinichiro Kadota, senior FX & Rates strategist at Barclays.

Market participants eagerly await the European Central Bank's policy meeting on Thursday (26/7) in order to obtain political guidance.

At a meeting held last month, the ECB announced a fixed interest rate until the summer of 2019 and announced its intention to terminate its program. Purchase of bonds in December.

The attractiveness of riskier badets generally remains strong, supported by strong financial reports.

The position of the US dollar index 11.39 WIB)


(+ 0.04%)



– 0.02%)


94 476

(- 0.72%)



(+ 0.08% 19659003] 19659003] 19659003]

Source: Bloomberg

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