The vaccine scandal erupted in China, the Prime Minister ordered a hard action


Chinese authorities have ordered an investigation into a public health scandal that caused public panic

Changsheng Biotechnology Co. was falsified last week for the production of the rabies vaccine.

No evidence was found about the dangers of the fake vaccine, but this scandal caused a great panic in China.

On Sunday (22/7), Prime Minister Li Keqiang asked that the perpetrators involved in this case be severely punished.

"We will crack down on illegal and criminal activities that endanger people's lives, based on existing law, and we strongly criticize the control of homework and supervision," Li said in a statement [19659002] How the scandal is it possible?

At age 15 July, the Chinese government's SDA pharmaceutical agency announced that Changchun Changsheng had manufactured production data during production of human rabies vaccine.

The Chinese Food and Drug Regulatory Agency (CFDA) states that all rabies vaccines have been withdrawn. (19659002) A few days later, the device of the Jilin Province announced that the vaccine against diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough – or DTaP – was being processed. The company's benchmarks in 2017 are also below standard.

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