The weather factor, a series of Lion Air flights of natural delay today

[ad_1] – Due to gust of the tailwind, on a flight of the Air Lion JT 620 Cengkareng-Pangkal Pinang road caused a flight delay of the Lion Air airline Today, Sunday (1/7).

Previously, the aircraft Air Lion JT 620 Cengkareng-Pangkal Pinang had to land at the airport Hang Nadim, Batam, Sunday (1/7) this morning. The plane, which landed at Tanjung Pinang, had to land at Hang Nadim for meteorological reasons

"The wind is blowing from the tail of the plane, it is dangerous to lose strength in the plane. "However, his team confirmed that the aircraft JT620 had arrived at the airport Raja Haji Fisabillah, Tanjung Pinang, Riau after encountering a number of obstacles during the flight, "said Danang Mandala Prihantoro." In the flight, Lion Air operates a Boeing 737-800NG (B738) with PK-LPJ, carrying six crew members, 183 adult pbadengers, six children and a baby andas of Cengkareng at 08.25 WIB in the times and at the hour and should arrive at 09:55 wib at Tanjung Pinang

"Ensuring the safety, security of all pbadengers and crew, the pilot decided to flying back (circling) will soon land in Tanjung Pinang, "said Mandala.

His team then made a detour to the Hang Nadim International Airport, Batam. "The plane landed at 22:03 safe at the airport of Hang Nadim, Lion Air made a clear statement of the situation that occurred.At his arrival in Batam, all customers remain in the plane and "

The aircraft then underwent pre-flight checks, in Batam, and was declared safe.

"The plane returned with the number JT620D at 11.32 WIB The plane landed at Tanjung Pinang at 23:45," he explained.

Air Lion admitted that "due to the incident, a number of flights also took over the delay, as confirmed the JT621 Tanjung Pinang road flight to Cengkareng, which should be broadcast at 22:35 to be it was aired at 12:34 and arrived at Cengkareng (actual arrival time / ATA) at 13,52 WIB

It claims to continue working to minimize the impact that occurs so that other Lion Air flight operations are not disrupted. "We apologize to the pbadengers, this is due to weather factors," Danang said. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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