The WHO sticks to gambling addiction as a mental disorder, it is a horrible bad effect


POSBELITUNG.CO Obviously, the impact is terrible, the WHO finally officially established gambling addiction as a mental disorder. Here are some reasons and examples …

Yes, after considering many things, the World Health Organization (WHO) officially defines the gambling addiction or gambling disorder as a disease disorder mental.

The ICD is a system that lists the following diseases, including the symptoms of the WHO, signs and causes.

Regarding gambling addiction, the WHO puts it on the list of "addictive behavior disorders" or "habit-caused illness or addiction".

Summary of Science Alert, Tuesday (19/06/2010), gambling addiction can be called sickness when it meets three things.

First, we can not control gambling habits.

Secondly, we begin to give priority to the game over other activities.

Third, s Someone continues to play games despite the obvious negative consequences. The WHO says that these three things must happen or be seen for a year before the diagnosis is made.

In addition, the WHO says that the game here includes different types of games played alone or with others, whether online or offline. However, this does not mean that all types of games are addictive and can cause interruptions.

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