There is a free HIV / AIDS exam test during the Pacitan Day without a Nation car online


Car – free day activities are badociated with the commemoration of the 54th National Day of Health.

PACITAN, – Along with the 54th National Health Day, Bakesbangpol and the Pacitan District Health Unit hosted a free HIV / AIDS exam, as well as car-free day activities, on Sunday 4/11.

"The purpose of this activity is to create a sense of early empathy, and the Peacemaker community should always remain vigilant about everything that happens and happen, even those that have not happened to create a situation of safety, "said Didik Alih Wibowo.

On the same occasion, the Pacitan Regent Indartato revealed that the existence of Bakesbangpol was an OPD that helped local governments to maintain the still favorable national stability. "In order to achieve the situation, Bakesbangpol conducts early detection, which means that every effort is made to prevent any potential threat," he said.

As we know, this activity is being carried out as part of a cross-sectoral collaboration aimed at making the general public aware of the dangers of HIV / AIDS, which is becoming increasingly alarming.

"HIV is the virus that causes AIDS that attacks the immune system (white blood cells), so people who are infected with HIV are easily attacked by a variety of life-threatening diseases," said Wawan Kasiyanto, who is responsible for the prevention and control of HIV. Disease Control, Pacitan Health Service.

So who can contract HIV? According to Wawan, anyone can contract HIV if their behavior is risky. The external appearance is not guaranteed against HIV. HIV-positive people often look and feel healthy.

"If you have not tested for HIV, HIV-positive people do not know that they have HIV and can transmit HIV to others." The HIV test is the only one way to know with certainty that he is HIV-positive or not, "he explained.

AIDS, he said, brings together several symptoms due to a decrease in the immune system caused by HIV. "We hope that the people of Colombia will always be attentive and attentive to the promiscuity that prevails, especially among adolescents.The role of parents is very important in the prevention of juvenile delinquency.The community must be HIV / AIDS free for survival of the younger generation, a hard one, "he hoped.

So far, there have been 286 cases of HIV in Pacitan. "Therefore, beware of deadly attacks HIV is transmitted alternately by needles, free and non-sterile Sexual changes between partners and from mother to baby throughout the process of pregnancy, childbirth badfeeding, shaking hands, hugging or kissing, swimming together, exposed to coughing or sneezing, using shared food or using a shared cooking utensils.How to prevent HIV viruses, including not having free bad (change of partner), being faithful to each other, prevent using condoms and do not use drugs injectables, "he said. (yun / rev)

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