Ladies a bunch of fat in the abdominal area that makes the stomach look distended or often called belly of beer can also be a marker of some serious diseases such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, up to several types of cancer. The diet and exercise routine does not always guarantee that your stomach will shrink immediately, because there are several other factors that make your stomach distended, ranging from hormones, to age factors, genetic factors, and other things. Curious about what causes it? Consider the following:
Too Much Alcohol
Although liquid, alcohol contains more calories than you can imagine. 12 ounces of regular beer contains about 153 calories, 5 ounces of red wine contains 125 calories, even a light drink like piña colada contains 500 calories in a 9 ounce serving. However, this is not the main reason to drink alcohol that makes your stomach swell. The problem is that calories in alcohol can not be stored in the body, which means that the body's metabolism precedes the treatment of alcohol compared to its task of burning fat, especially the fat around the stomach.
Age of Aging
As we age, our body also undergoes changes in weight loss problems. Men and women will experience a slowing of metabolism as well as changes in the number of calories the body needs. In addition, women are still confronted with another reality, namely menopause. At the age of menopause, production of estrogen and progesterone hormones will slow down, as will testosterone levels. These hormonal changes make it easier for women to accumulate weight in the abdominal area.
Wrong Coaching Exercise
Running regularly or taking bicycle lessons in the gym is good for heart health, but cardio exercises will not be enough to reduce circumference from the stomach. You still need a combination of cardio and exercise exercise that build muscle mbad because exercise bodybuilding allows the body to burn fat faster and calories. The fitness trainer recommended trains in strength with a moderate intensity for 250 minutes in a week or a high intensity of 125 minutes per week.
Too much processed food ( processed foods )
Abdominal fat is often badociated with inflammation in the body. Too much eating processed foods that contain preservatives, sweeteners, and artificial coloring will increase inflammation in the body while reducing the body's ability to remove belly fat. Instead, eating foods with natural ingredients such as vegetables, fruits, and whole grains full of antioxidants can lessen the inflammation and prevent fatty deposits in the stomach.
Eating the wrong kind of fat
Research shows that the body has different reactions to different types of fat. Saturated fats ( saturated fats ) such as those found in meat and dairy products tend to accumulate fats, while monounsaturated fats ( bold ) found in olive oil and avocados as well as some specific types of polyunsaturated fatty polyunsaturated ), particularly the omega-3 found in nuts, Sunflower seeds and salmon have anti-inflammatory effects. body and if consumed in sufficient serving, it does have many health benefits. However, it must be remembered that consuming the type of fat as healthy as any part that is still too fair simply means increasing the calories absorbed by the body and can lead to weight gain.
High Stress Levels
Under stress-inducing conditions, some people tend to distract from eating high fat and high calorie foods, but that's not the only thing which makes them gain weight. Stress conditions trigger the appearance of the hormone cortisol that can increase the fat content attached to the body and enlarge the fat cells. The research also shows the relationship between higher levels of cortisol in the body by accumulating fat in the stomach.
Sleep Deprivation
A study of 70,000 women concluded that those who slept less than 5 hours per night had a 30% higher risk of weight gain than those who slept for approximately 7 hours. The recommended bedtime for adults is 7 to 8 hours a night, so try to improve your sleep habits again.
Diet less aroused
If you want to lower the girth of the stomach, you should try to balance your diet, especially low in calories, high in fiber and low in sugar and carbohydrates with cardiovascular exercises. as was mentioned in the previous points.
Body shape as the apple
Sometimes the main cause of the distended stomach is genetically derived. If you tend to accumulate fat in the middle of the body such as the belly, hips and bad compared to other areas like the arms and thighs, it means that you belong to the body with an apple silhouette . Genetically, people with such body categories are more difficult to remove belly fat. But do not be discouraged, with a lifestyle that is awake and a strong determination, it is not impossible for those who have a bersiluet apple body to have a thin stomach.
(Image: browsing Media Ltd © 123RF.com)
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