Waspada.co.id – When it's raining outside or when it's hot, tea lovers probably drink another one. This ancestral drink is considered beneficial for the health of the body. Tea contains caffeine, fluorine and flavonoids
Reported by Times of India a study notes that consuming three cups of tea regularly every day can reduce the risk of heart disease by 11 percent . Unexpectedly, however, tea consumption with these amounts also has dangerous side effects.
Both green and chocolate teas, both of which contain 40 mg of caffeine per cup. This has been declared Brown University. If a person consumes too much caffeine, it will have side effects. Among the side effects, namely the difficulty to focus, anxiety, to damage sleep patterns.
Tannins is one of the chemical components of tea. When it is too consumed, it will interfere with the absorption of iron in the body. According to reports from the Colorado State University, tea can reduce the body's ability to absorb up to 60% of iron.
Even vegetarians tend to have iron deficiency. By consuming too much tea can lead to iron deficiency. Excessive consumption of tea can also interfere with the work of body medications. This is why tea lovers should consult a doctor related to tea consumption.
A study from Maryland Medical Center University says, some types of antibiotics may experience increased effectiveness when taken with tea. But tea can also reduce the function of medications, such as chemotherapy drugs, MAOIs, contraceptive medications and clozapine.
Some studies reveal different facts. Consumption of two to four cups of tea a day is still considered reasonable, but some say no problem up to 10 cups a day. But he suggests should not be more than five glbades. It would be much better to see the body's response to tea consumption. (wool / data2)
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