These menstrual causes come over from Cepet


JAKARTA – Every month, women want to experience their periods with different types of complaints. Especially, mestruasi come a maybe a month. But in some women, menstruation can occur more quickly.

Despite all this, no need to worry. Reported by the health website, content consultant and obstetrical Nanavati Super Specialty Hospital in India, menstruation that come over can not be caused due to a number of problems

Menstruation that comes over, among them the stress that causes hormonal imbalance. In addition to creating menstruation comes later, stress can lead to delaying the menstrual cycle. Causes such as the emotional disorder.

Emotional disorders can be one of the causes of menstrual cycles to collapse. The use of contraceptive pills should also pay attention. Because the use of contraceptive and badually active pills can increase the risk of menstruation comes over size.

Most of the time, the normal menstrual cycle of women is 28 days. But shorter or longer cycles can occur. Where the short menstrual cycle is 21 days and the longest is 35 days. Inequality of 5-7 days, the entrance becomes a normal problem

But if the inequality of the menstrual period is relatively greater than 7 days, beware as this may be the sign of a baby. a health problem. Because to protect health, Dr. Lula advised women to always pay attention to her menstrual calendar.


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