These trivial habits may seemingly make Lho obesity! – Health


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-> – Excessive diet coupled with low physical activity turns out to be the two leading causes of obesity or millennial obesity, but you should also know that There are insignificant habits that can aggravate the risk

. Nutrifood Health Committee, Moch Aldis Rusliadi, SKM, CNWC, the use of excessive technology and attempted promotion are two of these habits.

"In addition to physical activity and an unhealthy diet, technology indirectly plays a role." It is increasingly easy to access unhealthy foods, "said Aldis in Bogor , Wednesday, 11/07/2018.

In fact, he describes the existence of a study of 43 additional calories through dietary habits or promo size .

"There is the term Obesogenic Environment where without we do anything, our environment can already make kits Another thing that is no less important," he adds. it is that athletes, particularly urban communities, are not healthier, but are trying to take revenge for food. neglect again. This way of thinking is of course bad and not healthy for the body.

Therefore, people should be aware that exercise is done to keep the body healthy and fit, as well as consistent in the life of a healthy lifestyle, including giving up habits insignificant that can increase the risk of obesity. , v, n, t, s)
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