This is the best way to deal with smart phone batteries, according to science

[ad_1] – In the digital age and today, life without mobile is a difficult thing to do. In fact, when the phone's battery is low, most people immediately look for outlets to charge menyas.

However, who would have thought that many people were filling their phones the wrong way. Most people think of charging the battery when the phone is almost dead.

Unfortunately, this can cause "stress" on the phone's battery.

A site Battery University belongs to the Cadex battery company. ionic work. The 19459007 battery is quite sensitive to their own "stress" version.

Similar to the man, excessive pressure on cell phone batteries damages his age in the long run.

you want to keep the battery of your smartphone always in top shape, there are things to do.

Abstract of Science Alert Thursday (28/06/2018), the next four things you need to do to age The battery of your phone lasts longer.

1. (19459006) Charger

One of the habits of many people when charging a cell phone is to leave it all night .

According to Battery University, leave the phone plugged in when the battery is fully charged

Once the smartphone's battery reaches 100% but stays plugged in, they enter the "holding charge" that keeps it full. This makes the battery continue to be high voltage.

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Whereas this high voltage can reduce the process

"When the battery is fully charged, unplug its charger," says the article.

"This (removing the charger) is like relaxing the muscles after intense exercise," he continues.

2. Do not charge up to 100 percent

"Li-ion does not need to be fully charged, nor does it need to completely fill it up", said the article at the University of the battery.

"In fact, it is best not to fill the stress of the battery (for the long term)," the article added.

Maybe it's contrary to your intuition that keeps your phone alive all day long. But, to extend the life of the battery, charge several times when you can.

3. Case Whenever You Come

Who would have thought that the beterai smart phone is much more 'happy' when we occasionally charge throughout the day. It's the opposite of charging once, but when he lives 10 or 20 percent.

According to the University of Battery, charging when a battery loses 10 percent is the best way. This is not practical, therefore, this site recommends charging the battery when you have the time.

This method allows your smartphone battery to run longer and more efficiently.

4. Keep Keep Cold

The smartphone battery is very sensitive to heat. This makes some smartphone companies suggest solutions for specific cases.

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"If you are aware that the camera You get hot while loading, remove it from the box first, "Science Alert quoted.

Whereas if you are under the hot sun, it is good to keep the phone closed. This will protect the integrity of your mobile battery.

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