This is the new IDX Board of Directors


Jakarta, – The Financial Services Authority (OJK) created Inarno Djajadi was elected CEO of PT Bursa Efek Indonesia in replacement of Tito Sulistio.

In addition, at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS), the new Board of Directors was formally created between 2018 and 2021

. The composition of the IDX directors becomes effective after its approval at the AGM today. The EIB Inarno Djajadi said that his team and his team would bring the Indonesian capital market in accordance with the initial purpose of the capital market establishment, in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Indonesia n 8 of 1995 on the capital market

. 2021. We are back to see the stock under Law No. 8 of 1995, whose goal is to promote fair trade, efficiency and regularity and to make it the word, "he said. said after the Jakarta meeting Friday (29/6).] As for the mission statement of BEI, it provides the necessary infrastructure to support an organized, fair and efficient business, as well as young people while the future vision of BEI is established by comparing regional and global exchanges to become a competitive exchange with world-clbad credibility

Thus, on the basis of the GMS result, the IDX Board of Directors (19659002) Director of Institutional Evaluation: IGD N Yetna Setia

Director of Trade and Stock Exchange Member: Laksono Widito Widodo

Director of Transaction Monitoring and Compliance: Kristian Sihar Manullang

] Director of Technology & # 39; information and risk management: Fithri Hadi

Development Director: Hasan Fawzi

Director of Finance and Human Resources: Risa Effennita Rustam

Publisher: Mukhlison
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