This is the reason why you should keep the sunscreen in the plane


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When we lose one that we love, our most bitter tears are called by the memory of the hours when we have not loved enough.

-> – The summer holidays will be fun if you choose a distant destination. Choosing air transport can be a solution to make travel faster and more convenient. But do not forget to always bring beauty products everywhere, especially when you are taking the plane

Keeping the skin moist while you are in the plane is an important thing you should do . One of them continued to wear sunscreen during the flight of the aircraft

There are many reasons why you should wear sunscreen ] During the flight. Indeed, wearing a sun protection product is highly optional, but it should still be done to prevent aging or cancer. As when boarding a plane, the plane will reach a height above the ground that brings you closer to the ozone layer. Not only exposed to harmful sun exposure, your skin will be more sensitive to UVA rays if you miss sun protection

Although blocked by flat glbad, rays can still penetrate the glbad. Even when you board a plane at night, you will always be exposed to low-intensity sunlight. Therefore, the law must apply SPF to avoid prolonged skin problems. Well, then do not forget to wear sunscreen yes, ladies !


(vem / mgg)

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