This kid is only 14 years old but weighs 234 kg


TRIBUNMANADO.CO.ID – He is only 14 years old, but he is the hardest teenager in the world, weighing 234 kilos

Because of his overweight, the # 39, Indian child named Mihir Jain can not walk with normal

Mihir also had to leave school and was bothered to open his eyes because of obesity. he suffered.

Currently, Mihir has begun to reduce his weight after undergoing gastric bypbad surgery. Two months after the operation that took place at RS Max in New Delhi, Mihir's body weight dropped by 172 kilograms

When he was born in November 2003, the actual condition of Mihir's body weight is very normal about 2.4 kilograms. However, on his fifth birthday, Mihir's body weight soared to 80 kilos

"We realized that he had a problem at the age of five and the doctor was then stated that the child was obese and had to undergo surgery. mother of Mihir.

During the following years, Puja continued, his son only sat in bed all day and ate. As a result, its weight continues to grow. Puja added that although Mihir really likes fried foods, the effect of the drug is what makes Mihir unable to leave his bed. (*)

This article was published in under the title "Because of its heavy weight, this boy can not open his eyes"

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