This man can ban the restaurant, the reason for doing the hello

[ad_1] – For obese people, you must be careful to maintain a lifestyle. The reason is that having an oversized body frees up space. In addition, obesity can trigger other complications. Obesity eventually increases the risk of death as it is caused by various diseases.

Mike Hind, a well-known personal trainer from Middlesbrough, England, recounted his experience of having clients weighing up to 254 kg. Even the man named Dibsy had a heart attack and was hospitalized. Doctors also give the choice of dieting or dying.

Hearing the story of his client, Mike finally decided to oversee Dibsy's lifestyle. The first thing Mike did for Dibsy to succeed in his diet was to ban some restaurants in the UK.

"What I want is for Dibsy to come to me for help and suggestions, he must stay away from fast food."Said Mike, quoted of central quirk on (5/11).

Mike did a lot of posters and filmed various corners of fast food restaurants in Middlesbrough. The message on the poster reads as follows: "save Dibsy, obesity kills him"

Dibsy Mike © 2018

In addition, a photo of Dibsy was also pinned to the poster with additional writing,do not serve this man."

Previously, Dibsy consumed 11,000 calories a day and admitted that it was very difficult to refuse fast food. One way that is considered appropriate for launching the Dibsy diet program is to ban some restaurants.

When dibsy at the restaurant, the server will not give Dibsy's commands. Mike hopes his efforts will reduce Dibsy's desire to continue eating.

Now, your daily caloric intake is significantly reduced and represents only 3,500 calories a day. He was also forced to burn about 2,000 calories a day under the supervision of Mike Hind.

"Dibsy is too big to try conventional gaming tools, so we need something different. You work with what you get and use a tool that we have modified to get it done without depleting the body."Mike said.

Mike Hind was also still expected to monitor Dibsy's heartbeat, remembering the story of a heart attack that he had suffered recently.

Dibsy said that he had never really felt thin. His father died when Dibsy was only 18 years old. He began to feel his body widening because of Dibsy's words. The food rebadured him.

Dibsy is still single and can not buy clothes without sewing them on demand. Because of the size of the body, when traveling by plane, he has to buy two tickets at a time. Dibsy had to buy two chairs to sit in the plane.

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