This solution reduces nicotine addiction

[ad_1] JAKARTA – Vape or electric cigarettes are considered an alternative to reduce the addictive effects of tobacco smokers.

However, not a few people who think that vape is dangerous with tobacco cigarettes.

In response to public concerns and perceptions about alternative tobacco products, researchers from the Padjadjaran University Satriya Wibawa Suhardjo conducted research on the vape and presented to Nicotine World Forum in Warsaw, Poland, June 14-16, 2018. [19659002Itmakesitclearthatthereceptionofthepeopleisduetothefactthatitonlyprovokesperceptionsinaprovensense

"The negative notion in society that the vape is as dangerous as the cigarette is a problem because it "It's not based on data." While I was attending the World Nicotine Forum last month, I received a lot of information about alternative tobacco products, including a vape, "he said. said Satriya Sunday 15/7/2018.

He continued that the exposure of researchers (19459008) risk reduction or risk reduction contained in alternative tobacco products can be used as a solution to the problems of cigarettes

Satriya revealed that he is also conducting research on the use of vape as an alternative product of cigarettes in West Java. This is based on the badysis of the potential and social impact on smokers who have gone on the vape

"For two years when the vape began to become a social phenomenon in many areas, especially In Bandung, I started to make other observations.It seems that this growth of the vape is still gradual and even widely used as a switch to reduce the number of smokers. 'In-depth research team to find out how the company's social impact of the emergence of the vape,' he explains.

Satriya finds a perception of the vape more and more broadened. In fact, the results of the international research show that vaping has a much lower health risk potential than cigarettes, even up to 95%.

One of the reasons that alternative tobacco products such as vape can develop quickly is that many smokers are able to quit smoking on the run. This product is also used more easily by smokers.

"Although until now the price is still expensive, but can help smokers to move, then it is finally selected.According to the development of this industry in the future will be more in addition helped to get out of the cigarette, "he said.

Satriya see if the government of Indonesia is ready to do further research on the potential vape, the public can clearly know the scientific facts

Recently, the Indonesian government has regulated the vape in the Regulations of the Minister of Finance (PMK) No. 146 / PMK.010 / 2017 on excise duty on tobacco. Data from the General Directorate of Customs of the Ministry of Finance show that users of vape in 2017 have reached about 950,000 people, of whom 650,000 are active users.

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