Thousands of protesters hold protest in front of Trump-Putin meeting


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – About 2,500 human rights, democracy and environmental activists staged a protest in Helsinki, Finland Sunday (15/7 ). (19659002) Donald Trump and the Russian President Vladimir Putin

Protesters carried banners reading "Creating Peace, Not War," "Refugees Welcomed." [19659007] People wielding rainbow flags, LGBT emblems to protest the anti-LGBT attitude of the Russian government

"The current world order is challenged by force and the Attitude of the men. "Heidi Hautala, a member of the European Parliament of the Finnish Green Party in action, told Reuters



] Trump arrived in Helsinki on Sunday in Scotland. Tens of thousands of people took to the streets against his trip to London on Friday (13/7). Thousands of others are protesting Trump's presence in Scotland on Saturday (14/7), where he spent his weekend playing golf on his golf course.

Putin is expected to arrive in Helsinki just before the start of the meeting on Monday (16/7)

Helsinki, a place full of memories of the Cold War between the Soviet Union and the United States, has strengthened security for the Trump-Putin meeting.

A total of about 16 demonstrations is expected to take place from Sunday to Monday. The mayor of Helsinki, Jan Vapaavouri, admitted not to worry about protests. "I would be more worried if we did not prepare for demonstrations," he said.

Finland, EU members seem to be neutral places of Trump and Putin meetings because they are not members of the alliance. Military NATO. Finland has a long border with Russia, which ruled the region for more than a century until the Boshevik Revolution of 1917.

Trump declared himself and Putin for discuss nuclear weapons reduction issues. He also admitted not too much to the meeting, eclipsed by the allegations of Russian participation in the 2016 US presidential election that won Trump.


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