Three Unair students change the Snap bone fish as a solution healing broken bones

[ad_1] | SURABAYA – Bone damage due to accidents during this period is common, particularly in Indonesia.

Bone damage is a reduction in the mbad or destruction of bone tissue, caused by defects, tumors, accidents, conbad anomalies

Seeing the problem, three students from the Department of Biomedical Engineering of the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) of the Airlangga University (Unair) have made innovation on bone grafting a solution to treat fractures.

Diana Fitri (20), with two friends, Juliani Nurazizah Setiadiputri (20) and Firza (20) who perform bone grafts using white snapper bones (Lates calcarifer) as natural ingredients easy to find in Indonesia .

"In treating the case of a fracture, the doctor has several ways.For example with the intake of growth factor, the injection of blood into the bone marrow, stem cells and However, the use of this method often creates problems, such as the length of the healing process and the reunification of lost bone tissue, "said Diana, who is also the team leader on Saturday (28/7/2018)

.Eksakta research and get research funding from Kemenristekdikti in the 2018 PKM program.

"This study uses fish-based biological waste that have the potential to reduce environmental problems, as well as support the sustainable development of the environment. has a good mechanical resistance

It is therefore resistant to mechanical loads from the outside and inside the body and has the appropriate pore size for the regeneration of bone cells

"Our results have therefore an advantage in the bone healing process – faster and more resistant to the burden of body movement, (19659002) Juliana claimed that her team is striving to create innovations in the health sector, so that Indonesia is not only a consumer country, but it may be a producing country in several respects, especially in the field of health.

"We hope that our bone graft can be the only one in the world. 39, one of the proofs that Indonesian students are able to show their innovations, especially in health, "said Juliana

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