Tips Over Jetlag Hajj Jamaah


IHRAM.CO.ID, JAKARTA – Landing in the Holy Land becomes a new tour of Indonesian pilgrims. Time differences become one of the challenges for ordinary homobadual congregations with a tropical climate.

Jetlag conditions were often experienced in the early days. If it can not be overcome, this condition can disrupt the worship process. Rafiq Jauhary shared tips with the Republika on how to overcome jet lag for pilgrims who had just arrived in the Holy Land.

Rafiq says a lot of pilgrims who ignore the tired feeling of being led to worship. In their minds, there is only one worship at the other worship, whereas in fact the body takes time to rest.

The spirit of worship is also affected by the time difference between Indonesia and Saudi Arabia. Few pilgrims are ready to leave for the mosque at one in the morning. This is because in the hotel room they can not sleep and feel that the body is fresh.

"This kind of situation is called jet lag," said the pilgrim and Umrah advisor for 10 years

. One morning, the time of Madina is the same as at five o'clock in the morning in Indonesia. That's why, every hour of the morning, the Haj pilgrims feel that the body is fresh and that they rush to go to the mosque.

To overcome this jet lag, Rafiq said that there were things to do. First, change the time on the watch or on the cell phone with the time of Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia is a slower time with the time of West Indonesia

"Do not arrive arriving in Saudi Arabia where pilgrims still have activities in Indonesia," he says .

In addition, pilgrims recommend adequate rest. . Train yourself not to fall asleep during the afternoons and lie in the middle of the night. Similarly during the day, get in the habit of resting even if it is only for a moment. Whether before or after.

When the rest time is conditioned, the congregation can begin to learn how to organize other activities as well as the time of worship. Rafiq prayed that the pilgrims' activities in the Holy Land would remain smooth and the body would stay healthy.

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