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Thursday, 05 July 2018 | (19659005) Fptp illustration.
[NEWSmedia] – The black circle aka panda eye becomes a common problem for appearance and is often referred to as "tired eye". Many products on the market also promise to reduce dark circles in the eyes, but unfortunately do not give the best results.
Karuna Malhotra, cosmetologist and homeopathic expert of Cosmetic Skin and Homeo Clinic, New Delhi, and Makeup Expert Tullika Pandey Make a list of ways to eliminate dark circles and prevention.
First, make sure you get enough sleep for seven hours. Then second, always stay hydrated even if you are very busy. Maintain your fluid level by drinking water throughout the day. Staying hydrated will help prevent dark circles and puffy eyes.
Third, you should also avoid smoking or drinking alcohol.
Fourth, as you have heard or practiced, compressing the eyes with a green or green tea bag can also reduce the dilation of the blood vessels. If there is no compress with cold water can also reduce panda eyes.
Fifth, always wear sunscreen before going out in the sun. But if you are in the sun especially during the hours, for example from 10 am to 4 pm, repeat the use of sunscreen every two hours.
The last way to eliminate dark circles is to place slices of cucumber in both eyes, for example for 10 minutes. This method can be tried for a month and guaranteed to be changed.
Then you should always moisturize the eye area, for example with eye cream. You can also use a mask for the eyes, but first consult a dermatologist [rpk]
Publisher: Muhammad Adi
Tips for eliminating and preventing panda eyes quickly
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