Tips to Restore Mood and Body Fitness After Long Vacations

[ad_1] – After a long vacation you will have to face the fact that the relaxation time has pbaded and that you have to go back to your daily activities, this means that your body has to be recovered quickly after being tired.

Edward Yong, a health consultant, shares some tips that can help restore the body from fatigue after a holiday

This is very important to note because when you relive your daily routine, you need to Energy and excellent performance. "It is important that we restore our physical condition before starting work and returning to it – ideally, plan at least 24 hours before starting the first day of work," said Edward in a statement . from Amlife.

In fact, after long vacations, you often feel tired and reluctant to move, even small activities that have not been solidified during the first week of work. It is commonly called "Jet Lag Social" because during the holidays, our habits and lifestyles change.

Sleep late at night, turn off the alarm in the morning to wake up later in the day, often eating snack, more rarely exercise in your new lifestyle during the holidays. This condition makes our body against circadian rhythms and takes a few days to adapt and return to normal.

Edward suggests, the first thing to do is to rearrange the mind by saying that the party is almost over. You can meditate or take yoga clbades as a natural way to calm the body and slowly restore mood to return to work.

Calming the mind through yoga and meditation also helps stimulate production. in the body. If you are not the kind of person who practiced yoga, try other ways of doing exercise, such as walking long distances or participating in dance clbades.

In exercising, the brain releases endorphins and helps relax the muscles.

After returning from a long vacation trip or returning home or having experienced a holiday season, it is very important for us to get in shape and reward our body with quality sleep. , ie, duration, continuity and level of fatigue. To optimize these three elements, you must consider the comfort, which is strongly related to the quality of the bed or the carpet of soil.

He advises using conductive sleeping equipment and starting to use a good mat with rejuvenating properties. Edward says that a sleeping mat with a potential electrical therapy provides the highest level of comfort and that the body can only repair itself by using this floor mat.

Maki Takada of Toho University, Japan, who is a renowned chemistry doctor, says that negative ions in potential electrical therapy have a perfect influence on bodily fluids, as well as on cells and nerves.

When the body is in the negative electrical range, the calcium and sodium ions in the bloodstream in the body will increase, so that it can again purify the body and convert calcium ions and sodium ions into mild alkalis. Sleep mattress as a health tool that can cure 8 symptoms of illness, including headache, severe insomnia, shoulder or neck pain, constipation, indigestion, tingling on the hands and feet, nerve or muscle pain and chronic fatigue due to change of style

The Amlife sleep mattress naturally aims to "create sleep health" without medical process, without injection and without side effects.

In addition to exercising and improving the quality of sleep, Edward also reminded the importance enough. As a professional natural health consultant, she always stresses the importance of a natural diet to meet the needs of the body and prevent the symptoms of depression.

"Some of my patients feel anxious before the end of the holidays and that is the root of insomnia.

Nuts, beans and cereals rich in B vitamins are very well consumed to have a calming effect on the body, improve mood and help reduce anxiety

. improve mood after long vacations, Edward also suggests reading a book or reviewing a list of destinations already written at the beginning of the year.

Read motivational books or books on new strategies to implement a good start to remind the brain to go on vacation. In addition, this mid-year period is also a good time to re-evaluate the list of achievements to be prepared to improve work performance during the next semester. Congratulations to the work!

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