Today, Najib Razak faces a lawsuit


Najib Razak was arrested at his home Tuesday (3/7) afternoon

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, KUALA LUMPUR – Malaysian authorities appear before former Prime Minister Najib Razak on Wednesday (4/7 ). Najib will face two charges of alleged corruption in the 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) fund.

Najib (64) was arrested at home on Tuesday (3/7) afternoon. The arrest of Najib comes less than two months after police and the KPK of Malaysia have relaunched an investigation into a 1MDB scandal.

Najib arrived at 8:20 am local time in a judicial complex in the Malaysian capital, Kuala Lumpur. He was wearing a dark blue suit and a red tie. Crowds of media and the public gathered to get a close look at the Prime Minister 's antenna when they were brought to the courtroom.

Several members of the UMNO party attended the hearing. They shouted and wore a banner of support for Najib.

Previously, the official Bernama news agency had broadcast the Najib convoy during a long trip from the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) office in the administrative capital of Putrajaya until a court in Kuala Lumpur. According to media reports, Malaysian prosecutor Tommy Thomas will lead the proceedings against Najib.

Sources say Najib could face many charges. The indictment should be linked to the 10.6 million US transactions from SRC International, previously unit 1MDB, to Najib's personal account.

This is only a fraction of the total amount allegedly abused by 1MDB. The US Department of Justice said more than $ 4.5 billion has been withdrawn from the fund.

The CBC is the initial target of Malaysian investigators, as all suspicious transactions involving companies are conducted by Malaysian entities. who has pbaded a bank and a foreign company.

A spokesman for Najib said Tuesday that the CBC's allegations and 1MDB's investigation of Najib were politically motivated. He said Najib would refute this allegation and allow his name in court.

Mahathir said in an interview with Reuters last month that embezzlement and corruption with the government's money were among the allegations that Malaysia would apply to Najib. He added that Najib was entirely responsible for the 1MDB scandal.

Mahathir banned Najib from leaving the country. Najib's personal belongings and family were also seized by the Malaysian police.

In a post on Twitter after his arrest, Najib said that all the allegations against him and his family were not true. "That the investigation is done, I have not had time to defend myself," he said.

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