Top 3 Lifestyle: This is the protest action of Queen Elizabeth against Donald Trump

[ad_1], Jakarta The arrival of Donald Trump is collecting a variety of events in the UK. Even the citizens managed to steal the Trump balloon as a statement of their rejection. But Trump 's arrival diary must stay on time and one of them meets Queen Elizabeth. It turned out that Queen Elizabeth has her own mode of rejection, that is to say, fashionable. Curious as what? Discover more in the Top 3 Lifestyle, Thursday (19/7/2018) below.

1. Protest by Queen Elizabeth to Donald Trump by Fashion

On July 13, US President Donald Trump arrived in London to meet Queen Elizabeth II. His arrival in England suddenly provoked many protests from residents and also from the ranks of the government.

As a head of state, Queen Elizabeth must be wise to overcome the inconvenience of going with Donald Trump. Despite the fact, Queen Elizabeth also hated US President Donald Trump. Read here.

Fashionable Fashion: Cross-Stitching

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