Toyota and Mazda Sindir Donald Trump


WASHINGTON, – The US Department of Commerce gives companies time to comment on the increase in import tariffs filed by President Donald Trump, and ends today (29/6/2018). [19659002] Their statement came in response to Trump's request to the Commerce Department to investigate and determine whether vehicle imports pose a threat to national security.

Some have expressed their written concerns, where Toyota is rather firm. They say that 130,000 Americans say that imports are not a threat to national security.

While Mazda has the same opinion as Toyota, but is a little more flexible. Mazda has expressed support for the 32,000 Americans who make a living working for Mazda and the dealerships.

Read also: Harley-Davidson moves production outside the United States

  Toyota logo ibtimes logo Toyota

The Mazda side says that if a tariff of 25% on imports of cars and parts of vehicles was charged, this would be a tax burden for US consumers.

"This will dramatically increase the cost of every new vehicle sold in America, no matter where it is manufactured," said Mazda of Autoevolution Friday (29/6/2018). [19659002"LorsqueMazdaacommencélaconstructiond'uneusineàHuntsvilleenAlabamanoubadhortonsledépartementduCommerceàrejeterlaprémisseselonlaquellelesimportationsdevéhiculesautomobilesconstituentunemenacepourlasécuriténationale"adéclaréMazda[19659009]. (19659002) Initially from the Harley-Davidson decision to move the production of European models from the United States to an international facility, as a way to avoid tariff increases.

Then Daimler, who became the first major automaker to recognize that inflated rates Trump, will make it fall sales of the expected.

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