Transportation Branch Transportation Feasibility Test for Hajj 2018


Previously, the Director General of Maritime Transport of the Ministry of Transport, Agus H Purnomo, instructed the Director of Navigation, Sugeng Wibowo, and the Maritime Inspector of the Directorate of Transport and Maritime Affairs to proceed with a verification of vessels at Lake Toba, North Sumatra. as a result of the order of the Minister of Transport, Budi Karya Sumadi, the vessels of Lake Toba should immediately check the status of the cargo within two or three days thereafter

"We proceed immediately to a Verification of the ramp and the Belawan Mandiri Belawan Office headed by the Director of Navigation until June 29, 2018, "said Agus Chief Executive Officer in his statement, Tuesday, June 26, 2018.

Control of ship kelaiklautan ramp, including ship construction inspection,, evacuation routes, flight documents, pbadenger manifests and completion "The Minister of Communications indicates that the implementation of this audit is mandatory and should be carried out within the next two or three days, and if the speed of the vessel is insufficient, "

Agus said that later the results of the implementation of ramp control of the ship maritim e will be submitted to the Minister of Transport and the Directorate General of Land Transport and other related institutions.

He also recalled the need for synergy for regulators, operators and users (service users or the public) in supporting the achievement of safe navigation

"Safe navigation should be a necessity and a common responsibility Do not force aboard the ship when it is full, and always make sure to wear a lifejacket on every trip.And for the operator as well as the skipper, pay attention to the weather factor before to leave for sailing and make sure the sea is worthy of this boat, "said Agus. Hard-earned work at the market and the sale of flowers. The married couple can leave for the hajj in 2018.

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