Trump meet the new President of Mexico Discuss the immigration policy


Trump believes Lopez Obrador will help the United States secure their territorial border

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MEXICO CITY – US President Donald Trump and Mexican President-elect Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador begin their first communication after Mexican presidential election. They discussed issues of immigration, trade and security.

Lopez Obrador, a 64-year-old former Mexican mayor, was a huge success in the Mexican elections. His victory was a major blow for the big parties. He became the first leftist politician to win the presidency of Mexico since 2000.

In his comments to reporters, Trump believes that Lopez Obrador will help the United States secure its southern border. "I think the relationship will be very good, we'll see what happens, but I really think it will be great," said Trump.

Trump and Lopez Obrador communicate by phone. Trump said that they discussed the possibility of a trade agreement between the United States and Mexico.

Shortly after, Lopez Obrador delivered his communication results with Trump on his personal Twitter account. He claimed to have proposed a comprehensive deal to create jobs, reduce immigration and increase security.

In his account, Lopez Obrador did not mention the trade. Trump does not provide more details on possible trade agreements. Negotiations between the United States, Canada and Mexico to revise the 1994 North American Free Trade Agreement have become difficult.

Lopez Obrador said Monday in an interview on Mexican television that he wanted a NAFTA deal with Mexico. "We will accompany the current government in this negotiation, we will be very respectful and we will support the signing of the agreement," he told Milenio TV.

Lopez Obrador wants a firm but friendly relationship with Washington. He said that he would discuss NAFTA with President Enrique Pena Nieto at their first meeting after the elections. The meeting is scheduled for today

Trump has been hard on Mexico for trade and immigration. The NAFTA negotiations began last year after Trump called for a renegotiation agreement for better US interests.

Although Trump has been in contact with Lopez, a White House aide is repeating a Trump campaign promise on the construction of the border wall. "In the case of Mexico, obviously we share the border with them (and) this president has clearly explained how to build this wall and make it pay in Mexico," said Kellyanne Conway, on Fox News.

Mexicans Across the Political Spectrum Mexico would not pay for the construction of Trump's proposed wall along the southern border of the United States. Trump said the wall was needed to detain illegal immigrants and illegal drugs.

Lopez Obrador, who will take office on December 1, won more than 53 percent of the vote in Sunday's election. He is ahead of his main competitor

It is the largest part of the vote in the Mexican presidential elections since the early 1980s. This victory gave him a strong mandate to solve Mexico's domestic problems and face the challenges exteriors.

In his victory speech, Lopez Obrador seeks to rebadure investors that he will implement a wise economic policy and the independence of the central bank. Even so, the peso depreciated by about 1% against the dollar and the S & P / BMV benchmark index of the Mexican CPI fell by almost 1.5% because of the victory of the MORENA party led by Lopez Obrador.

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