Turkey Captures Harun Yahya, Buru 235 Followers


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – Turkish police arrest controversial writer Adnan Oktar aka Harun Yahya and intensify operations to hunt down 235 supporters

The News Agency Anadolu reports that Harun Yahya was arrested on Wednesday. (7) In a large-scale operation in five provinces

During his arrest at his home, the police confiscated armor, armor, and armor from armed vehicles.

Harun Yahya and his followers were accused of a series of crimes, including the creation of organizations with the intent of the crime, the badual abuse of children, the bad with children, abduction and detention of children.

The group is also suspected of violating tax and anti-terrorist laws in Turkey.

The name Harun Yahya himself is already on the research list of the Department of Financial Crimes of the Turkish Ministry of Finance.

Oktar owns a television station called A9, where he leads a religious and social affairs discussion surrounded by women nicknamed "children". chat "him". [1945900]] function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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