Turkey closes the school of the Embassy of Germany in Izmir


  Turkey Close Embbady School of Germany in Izmir


Embbady School of Germany in Izmir, Turkey

Hidayatullah.com – The people of Turkey have closed a school run by the Embbady of Germany in Izmir. The director told the German News Agency DPA that the Turkish authorities stated that the school was not complete with permission.

Dirk Philippi said that a group of local people had entered the school. 6/2018), less than a day after students leave school for the summer holidays. They gave him an "oral and written" warning that the school would be closed. The school has about 180 students aged 2 to 20 who go from kindergarten to high school.

According to the website, the school operates as a branch of a private school run by the Embbady of Germany in Ankara. However, Philippi said, structurally under the Consulate General in Izmir.

A statement issued by the embbady said, "We ask the Turkish government to immediately explain the reason for the closure of the school." The German Embbady insists that the school is an important element (19459007) Deutsche Welle

"I believe this closure is only temporary," said the government . Philippi, adding that the incident was probably due to a simple thing like a lost document.

In recent years, the relationship between Berlin and Ankara has been somewhat tense. This shaky relationship is partly explained by the fact that Turkey is angry after several ruling party politicians, the AKP, have been banned from the referendum on the extension of President Susepard Recep. Tayyip Erdogan

. Many European countries condemn the arrest of tens of thousands of people – including journalists – for participation in or badociation with groups of coup leaders and Kurdish militants.

Meanwhile, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan accused EU member states of behaving like the Nazis by banning AKP politicians from campaigning for Turkish supporters of the EU. Overseas at a referendum to expand the executive power of the President

Merkel says that she is intending to cooperate with Turkey, especially with a more pluralistic Turkish state. in which democratic participation and the rights of the people are more *

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