Turkish Vice-President Calls Law on the Jewish State to Infringe the Principles of Universal Law
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, ANKARA – Turkish Vice President Fuat Oktay Condemns the Publication of the law of the Jewish state by the Israeli parliament (Knesset), Thursday (7/19). According to him, the law undermines the principles of universal law.
He declares that Turkey can not accept the law. Because in the Law, it is also said that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. "Jerusalem is the capital of Palestine and will continue to be its capital," said Oktay, quoted by Anadolu Agency .
Meanwhile, Turkey has vehemently expressed support for the Palestinians. At the same time, Ankara has also often criticized and criticized Israel. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan was even involved in a war of words with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
At that time, Erdogan did not hesitate to call Israel a terrorist state. The statement was made as more than 120 Palestinians who staged a demonstration in the Gaza Strip were killed by an Israeli security force attack.
The state law of the Jewish nation was pbaded on Thursday, July 19th. The law is supported by 62 members and rejected by 55 other members. While two chose to abstain.
With the pbading of the law, Israel proclaimed itself to be the state or homeland of the Jews. The law claimed that Jerusalem was the capital of Israel.
In addition, the law also deprived the Arab status of official language. Thus, there is only Hebrew and the official language of the country. Netanyahu said the law was a turning point for Zionism and Israel.
"120 years later (Zionist leader Theodor) Herzl articulates his vision, we, by this law, determine the fundamental principle of our existence". f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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