Two Reuters journalists in Myanmar threatened with 14 years in prison


Two Reuters journalists call innocent and followed the journalistic ethic

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, YANGON – The Myanmar court sued Monday (9/7) two journalists Reuters who has been imprisoned for charges to obtain secret documents of state. The trial took place six months before the trial.

District Judge Yangon Ye Lwin sued Wa Lone (32) and Kyaw Soe Oo (28) in violation of the official settlement law, which provides for up to 14 years in prison. ] Reuters Monday (9/7). The two journalists pleaded not guilty to the allegations and told the judge that they had followed the journalistic ethic.

Addressing reporters in an amicable manner, Wa Lone said he and Kyaw Soe Oo had not committed a crime and testified to their innocence in court. . "We will face a lawsuit, we will not retreat, we will not surrender or be shaken by it." Wa Lone said.

Chief Prosecutor Kyaw Min Aung leaves the courthouse before journalists can ask him a question. The case has attracted the attention of the world

Western diplomats and rights groups say it is a test of progress toward full democracy under the leadership of the Aung Nobel Prize San Suu Kyi in a country where the army still has a great influence. The president and editor Reuters Stephen J. Adler, said the press organization was deeply disappointed by the decision and described as unfounded the complaint against these journalists.

"These Journalists Reuters their work independently and impartially, and no fact or evidence indicates that they committed an error or violated any law whatsoever", was he said in a statement

"Today's decision raises serious doubts The Burmese government spokesman, Zaw Htay, declined to comment as long as his courts, said the Myanmar court is independent and the case will be conducted according to law.In its ruling, the judge stated that the court had brought an action against both journalists under paragraph 3.1 (c) to investigate allegations according to the law. Prosecutors allegedly collected and obtained secret documents concerning the security forces with a view to endangering national security.The case is postponed until July 16.

This case will enter a trial phase. s, where the accused's lawyer will call witnesses before a judge, who will issue the verdict, according to jurists. Defense lawyer Khin Maung Zaw said that the two journalists would be summoned to the next hearing

"Of course, I am not satisfied, not happy, but I do not lose hope. We will fight, and in the end we will have a happy ending, "he said.

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