UGM students plastic scrap intelligent car champion Shell Ideas360 London

[ad_1] – The Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) team has successfully won the annual Shell Make the Future Live festival which was held in London, England, from July the 5th. A team of three students; Herman Amrullah, Sholahuddin Alayyubi and Thya Laurencia Benedita Araujo have managed to champion the 2017/2018 Shell Ideas360 competition with the idea of ​​the Smart Car Microalgae Energy Sector Cultivation Support (MCS)

. teams from the American University of Sharjah (United Arab Emirates), the University of Texas (United States), the University of Bordeaux (France) and the University of Melbourne (Australia)

Shell Ideas360 ideas and ideas facing global challenges in the energy, food and water sectors. The competition that started in 2013 is part of the Shell Make the Future Innovation Festival

We are excited to participate in this event and become champions in the prestigious Shell Ideas360 world innovation contest, says Herman, Smart Car MCS UGM in his release on

He said that this success can not be separated from the support and prayers of many parties, including our friends, relatives, supervisors, Yano Surya Pradana, ST, M.Eng and Hanifrahmawan Sudibyo, ST, Mr. Eng, UGM, and Indonesian society. We are also very grateful to Shell for providing young people with the opportunity to offer a competition forum to explore innovative ideas, especially in the face of global challenges.

The Smart Car MCS team has also managed to enforce in the polls. public or public choice. The idea of ​​a Smart Car MCS Smart Car is considered the most innovative idea to help the world in the future. The voice of this poll represented 20% of the score / score in determining the winner of the grand prize of the season.

Darwin Silalahi, CEO and President of PT Shell Indonesia, said he was proud and happy to be fighting for the MCS UGM Smart Car Team. This achievement at the global level is a very proud thing, not only for the teams and the alma mater, but also for the Indonesian nation. We appreciate the creativity and hard work of the team to come up with some useful revolutionary ideas for the global community in the future, "he said.

In addition, he said, the younger generation holds the keys to today's and tomorrow's challenges, and as a result, Shell, as an energy company, is committed to helping future generations of leaders and innovators think about the future. global challenges of energy, food and water in the coming decades.

Shell Retail Intelligent plastic waste car

The idea of ​​the MCS UGM Smart Car team is to convert plastic waste into a new low-emission alternative energy. The idea has been translated into an idea titled Smart Car Microalgae Cultivation Support, an Intelligent Car Idea gente that uses plastic waste as a source of alternative energy.

This idea was born from our concern to see the environment around us. Several essays, long discussions with our teams and speakers are generating ideas that should have a positive impact on the environment and the future of the world, "said Herman

Smart Car MCS with a pyrolysis reactor containing up to 2 kg of plastic waste. The plastic pyrolysis process is a plastic degradation process using high temperature heat in the absence of oxygen. The heat source comes from a car exhaust that can reach over 400C. This car is also equipped with Microalgae Cultivation Support Technology (MCS) which is used to reduce the amount of CO2 exhaust gas on the vehicle. The development of the Smart Car will not only produce fuel and biofuels, but will also reduce waste and create better environments.

Smart MCS Team Trips with its smart car idea to reach the final Shell Ideas360 through a long process and a tight selection. The Smart Car MCS team has become the only team of Indonesian students to reach the finals and become champions since the first Shell Ideas360 competition in 2013. Herman participated in this year's Shell Ideas360 competition. and the team can be proud of its hard work and long struggle to achieve an extraordinary feat by winning the 2017/2018 Shell Ideas360 final and is entitled to a prize in the form of exclusive travel expeditions. [Si (f.fbq) renvoie; n = f.fbq = fonction () {n.callMethod? (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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