UN: The death of Afghan civilians has set a new record


Hidayatullah.com The ten-year civilian deaths in Afghanistan reached the war with a record in the first six months of 2018, according to the United Nations.

Reported BBC (15/7/2018), during the first half, about 1,642 deaths were recorded. The death toll was largely due to militant attacks and kamikazes.

The report emerged when at least seven people were killed in an attack at the Ministry of Rural Development's office in Kabul

. He began recording 2009 on the victims of the Afghan armed conflicts that began in 2001.

The report of the United Nations Assistance Mission (Afghanistan) indicates a 1% increase over the same period last year.

However, the report also mentions that the number of injured victims dropped by 5% to 3,430 and the total number of civilian casualties and injuries dropped by 3% to 5,222.

Afghan security forces accepted the ceasefire generally obeyed by both sides of the word Unama. *

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