UNICEF officials announce that Surabaya is not eligible for children if the basic vaccination does not have 95 percent


SURYA.co.id | SURABAYA – Provision of a vaccine against diphtheria or simultaneous immunization during the second phase of the antipollution vaccination (ORI) in July and August 2018, still in the attention of UNICEF.

Arie Rukmantara, head of the representative of Unicef ​​Java-Bali Surabaya is said to be suitable for children, not only because of adequate facilities and infrastructure, but also if it has implemented a basic immunization of at least 95%. According to him, the establishment of ORI Diphtheria for this second phase can be a guarantee of free Surabaya diphtheria for the next two years

"So in every puskesmas no child is immune", was he explained during a visit to SD Muhammadiyah 4 Surabaya Tuesday (31/7/2018).

Indonesian children, continues Arie, are the fourth largest community in the world. They had considerable mobility, so they must be highly protected from the disease

Meanwhile, the implementation of ORI Diphtheria in the SDM 4 Surabaya today was conducted on 35 students only

Syaikhul Islam, Director of SD Mudipat Pucang, the parents do not have to worry about halal diphtheria vaccine. "I hope that the school vaccination program can be followed by all students on August 14, if by chance school vaccination can not be vaccinated at Puskesmas," he said. l & # 39; man. from Bojonegoro there.

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