Upward trend in fuel prices


Fuel price adjustment of the series Pertam is feared will encourage consumers to switch to Pertalite and premium so it will also hoist the price of the fuel subsidy.

Jakarta – Increase in the price of unsubsidized Perta type fuel, including pertamax, pertamax turbo and Pertamina Dex Pertamina fears more and more eroded the buying power of the people who are weakening it now. As a result, soaring fuel prices should weigh on the community. The adjustment was made due to higher crude oil prices in world markets.

In fact, the rise in crude oil prices is expected to continue in the near future, so that the adjustment of fuel prices could recur. Eko Listiyanto, economic researcher of the Institute for Economic Development and Finance (Indiaf), said the rise in fuel prices is due to the impact of the world price of crude oil which is expected to remain at the future

. On the other hand, some of the fuel in Indonesia comes from imports given insufficient domestic production. As the rupee has depreciated since the beginning of the year, the price of oil imports has climbed, causing a rise in oil prices, pertamax, pertamax turbo and pertamina dex

. Therefore, by dividing the price pertamax, consumers will switch to Pertalite and Premium. "Basically, the increase in pertamax will have a big impact on price increases, especially the decline in people's purchasing power," he said. 7). As is known, Pertamina has increased the price of Pertamax type fuel around 500-600 rupiah per liter since July 1st. Pertamax price 9,500 rupiah per liter or up to 600 from the previous one which is still 8,900 rupiah.

While Pertamax turbo 10,700 rupiah rupiah liters, up to 600 rupees from the previous 10,100 rupiah, and pertamina dex 10,500 per liter or increased by 500 10,000 rupiah. [19659003]

No Impact

Energy Observer, Mamit Setiawan, said the rise in prices pertamax will not have a significant impact on the Rising prices of goods considering pertamax is not for public transport. However, financially, this price increase is sufficient to help Pertamina because its financial situation is bleeding at that time.

Moreover, it considers that the price increase is already reasonable since the world price of oil tends to increase for that Pertamina added value for the economy considering the Perta series of unsubsidized fuel. The increase is already under government approval because Pertamina has long proposed price increases, only postponed until the holiday of Eid al-Fitr.

Pertamina's competitors raised prices well before Pertamina did it. "Currently, the price of the Pertamina Perta series is still lower than the price of other private public refueling stations (SPBU) .In fact, Pertamina still holds the price increase for Pertalina because Pertalite has become the main fuel since the premium is starting to be rare in the market, "he said.

ers / E-10

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