US accuses North Korea of ​​increasing nuclear fuel production


WASHINGTON, – The US intelligence agency accuses North Korea of ​​increasing its production of nuclear weapons

In a broadcast report NBC News on Friday (29/6/2018)), citing statements by US officials, Pyongyang continues to enrich uranium for nuclear weapons in a number of secret locations.

The unidentified official named North Korea deliberately secretive while seeking recognition in nuclear negotiations with the United States. The statement, quoted by US media, is contrary to the statement of US President Donald Trump in his tweet after a meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un on June 12.

See also: North Korea is suspected of infrastructure at nuclear research sites

A few days after the meeting, Trump said that North Korea does not have a nuclear power plant. is more I have become a nuclear threat to the world.

Reported by a statement by five US officials, North Korea has stepped up uranium enrichment in recent months for its nuclear weapons even when they are in bondage. Still according to the report, US intelligence agencies say North Korea has more than one secret nuclear site other than Yongbon's

"There is undeniable evidence that they are trying to deceive states -United". sources cited NBC

The CIA declined to comment on the NBC report. The US agency said that she could not confirm or comment on the intelligence information. The NBC report raised doubts about North Korea's efforts to submit its nuclear weapons program.

A senior US intelligence official said the North's decision to suspend nuclear tests and missiles is unexpected.

"But efforts are being made to deceive us about the number of installations, the number of weapons and the number of missiles we are watching closely," said the official.

North Korea destroys 4 largest nuclear test sites

Trump with Kim at a previous high-level meeting agreed to work toward the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula. But in a joint statement he does not provide details on the timing and how denuclearization would be done.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said he would return soon to North Korea to fulfill the commitments made at Kim Trump's meeting. ! function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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