US intelligence chief did not know the Trump-Putin meeting


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – Director of Intelligence United States And Coats claimed to not know what happened at a private meeting between President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin [(19659003)atHelsinkienFinlandelelundi(16/7)

Republicans and Democrats in Congress questioned what Trump agreement had reached with Putin during the two-hour meeting, accompanied only by the translator.

after meeting Putin. Including the failure of Trump to confront Putin with the findings of US intelligence agencies on Russia's interference in the 2016 presidential election, as well as Putin's proposal to be able to examine US citizens

"Yes, you do not know what happened." "I think, with time, and the president mentioned some of the things that happened at the meeting, I think we'll learn more." At a post-meeting press conference with Putin, Trump responded to questions about Russian interference in the 2016 US presidential election by questioning the findings of his own intelligence service and denouncing the "stupidity" of US policy.


Responding to this, Coats immediately issued a statement in support of the badessment of the United States that Russia was engaged in a "continuous effort and melt (19459006) when asked what it was thought when he heard Trump's statement in Helsinki, Finland, Coats said: "I believe I need to improve it."

"Obviously, I hope that & # 39; 39; he made a different statement, but I think that he has now It was clarified. "

One day after the meeting on Tuesday (17/7), Trump confessed wrongly at a press conference and received a conclusion – US intelligence agency.

Trump called Putin's summit a great success, but he did not know what he was talking about with Putin.


On his Twitter account Thursday (18/7) Trump calls terrorism, Israel, nuclear disarmament, cyberattacks, trade, Ukraine, the Middle East and North Korea is a subject he discussed with Putin.

As for Putin, he agrees with Trump.

[Gambas:Video CNN]

The new Coats learned that Trump had invited Putin to Washington for the second meeting this season, when he was interviewed at a forum held in Aspen on Thursday. 19/7)

"OK," he says with a laugh. "It would be special."

Asked about the prospect of a meeting between Trump and Putin in a one-on-one meeting with only their translator, Coats said, "I will find another way to do it." (nat)

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