Used to eat 10 hours a night can increase the risk of cancer


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When we lose one that we love, our most bitter tears are called by the memory of the hours when we have not loved enough.

-> – What time are you used to dinner? Is it about 6 am, 7 am, 8 pm? As for dinner, this should be done at least two hours before bedtime. Some studies say that if dinner is too late can increase various health problems. Starting the problem of obesity, the heart to cancer is deadly.

Launch of this page A dinner at 9 pm or 10 pm may increase the risk of cancer. Research conducted in Spain indicates that people who used to eat too late to get cancer risked up to 70%. While people who eat later in the evening, they only have a 20 percent cancer risk.

In a study published in the International Journal of Cancer on July 17, it was mentioned that most patients with prostate cancer and bad cancer are closely related to the eating habits of dinner over 10 hours. more reliable inventions.

Dora Romaguera, a researcher, reveals that sleeping soon after eating has a major effect on the body's metabolic system. This is an important reason why dinner too late can trigger a cancer risk. In addition, if after eating that someone one immediately decided to sleep.

"Everything seems to indicate that bedtime has a major effect on our ability to metabolize food, and the body also has to work overtime beyond its biological time to digest food," he said. said Dora.

From this study, researchers hope that we can all have a healthier lifestyle and diet. We should have a good meal this morning, lunch and dinner at the right time. In addition to preventing the risk of cancer and other serious health problems, it is also for weight maintenance in order to stay in ideal conditions.

(vem / mim)

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