Using Barrel Soap together, does it really transmit bacteria?


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When we lose one that we love, our most bitter tears are called by the memory of the hours when we have not loved enough.

-> – Have you ever used soap bars with members of your family at home? Or even have you used it together in public places like in the gym or public restroom?

Talk about bar soap used together, is it true that it can transmit the disease or the virus? Launched from page of the New York Times a study published in 1965 mentions that the use of bar soap together or alternately does not trigger the transmission of the disease.

Researchers of the time conducted a series of experiments in which they deliberately contaminated their hands with bacteria and viruses, then washed their hands on a soap. Some time later, the soap was used to wash the hands of other researchers. From this experiment, no bacteria or viruses were found from the hands of the first researchers who pbaded on to the hands of the second researchers while they were using the same soap to wash their hands.

Various other studies have also shown that bar soap remains sterile and safe to use despite contamination of extreme conditions. Although some studies have found bacteria and viruses in bar soap that are often used together, this study can only prove that bar soap is a source of bacteria and infection.

Well ladies, never again afraid to wash your hands with bar of soap that others have used. To be afraid, when we are lazy to wash our hands, hand washing is very important to maintain our health.

(Vem / mim)

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