Usung's strategy to compete with China, US Secretary of State Visits Indonesia


WASHINGTON DC, – US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is due to visit Indonesia next weekend to promote the "Indo-Pacific" strategy

An Economic Strategy Involving speed of money 113 million US dollars or Rp 1.6 trillion is presented Pompeo in front of businessmen in Washington DC

"The United States does not invest for l 39; political influence, but make the economic partnership, "said Pompeo.

represents initial payments for a new era of US economic engagement for peace and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific region, "added Pompeo

See also: Laughter by Kim Jong Un and Mike Pompeo in Pyongyang [19659002The"Indo-Pacific"exposuretothewesterncoastalregionsoftheUnitedStatesofAsieduSouth-EastandIndiaisconsideredtobethewayinwhichUncleSamhascompensatedforthisandotherinitiatives

However, the financing of 1, 6 trillion rupees for the digital economy, energy and infrastructure in Asia is far behind the Chinese giant fund to create an economic corridor that connects two-thirds of the world's population in 70 countries around the world.

However, some badysts see this American initiative as an attempt to reach countries in Southeast Asia.

To do this, Mike Pompeo has to travel to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; Singapore; In particular, Pompeo hopes to strengthen the US-Indonesia strategic partnership before the 70th anniversary of relations between the two countries in 2019.

"The minister will discuss how to advance a common goal in the area of ​​bilateral investment and trade and development. security, strengthen the central role of ASEAN and underscore Indonesia's leadership in the achievement of a free and open Indo-Pacific, "said Heather Nauert, spokeswoman for the D & D Department. US State Since Donald Trump became president, the United States has pursued an increasingly protectionist economic agenda and was supported in the withdrawal of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) last year. [19659002] also impose import duties of $ 34 billion on Chinese goods entering the country.

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