Uyghur activists seek US press in China


China denies arresting Uyghur Muslims.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, WASHINGTON DC – Uygur activists in the United States commemorate the "Independence Day" of their communities by organizing protests and parades in the US capital on Tuesday (13/11 ). As reported AlgeriaOn Wednesday (11/14), November 12 marks the 74th and 85th anniversaries of the two Uyghur republics known as East Turkistan that have been established in the region that is now part of China.

They were present at the event organized by the National Revival Movement of East Turkestan, including Rebiya Kadeer. He is one of the most famous Uyghur Muslims in the world and the former president of the Uighur World Congress.

Wearing the flag of independence of the United States and East Turkestan, activists outside the White House have called on the United States to pressure China to stop persecution of the minority Muslim.

Although reports of Uighur harbadment have been around for more than a decade, last year the persecution intensified.

Read also, the United States threaten to give up the sanctions imposed on China against Uyghur Muslims.

The United Nations has criticized China for detaining about one million Muslims in detention camps. China has also been accused of forcing the Uyghurs to give up their beliefs. Chinese authorities have banned the fasting of Ramadan and the Koranic learning of young children.

Uighur American Aydin Anwar said Algeria that China is trying to erase the Uyghur identity. "China has placed at least three million people in camps in these camps, they have been forced to leave Islam, to adopt atheism and to pledge allegiance to Falun Gong. Chinese state, "he said.

Anwar said all Uyghur communities present at the scene had at least one parent detained in the camp. "My aunt's husband has more than 70 parents in the camps and prisons, and one of them has actually been killed by lethal injection into the camps." Even outside of the life of these camps, nothing is better., fasting, wearing a beard, wearing a headscarf, even calling your baby in the name of Islam, "he said.

US Vice President Mike Pence condemned China for its violations of Muslims and other minorities. Republican Senator Marco Rubio has also lobbied the US State Department for taking action against China for its violations of the Uyghur people.

Cinta denies any allegation calling the violation of Uyghur Muslims. Beijing thinks the news is just gossip and should be ignored.

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