Various advantages of Self-Inhealth at RS Siloam TB Simatupang


Various diseases may be claimed by Mandiri Inhealth's clients, with the exception of diseases caused by badual intercourse, conbad disabilities and sports accidents.

CILANDAK – Siloam Hospitals Group continues to improve the quality of service, Mandiri Inhealth Insurance at RS Siloam Simatupang TB, Jakarta Selatan, Tuesday (10/7/2018).

The CEO of Inhealth Mandiri, Iwan Pasila, said that Mandiri Inhealth's clients living not far from Siloam TB Simatupang hospital can benefit from health services. "With this cooperation and the presence of this special wicket, I hope that the service of the participants in Inhealth Self-help can be even better, especially since the hospital is also located in an area strategic, "said Iwan. may be claimed by the clients of Mandiri Inhealth, except in case of illness due to badual intercourse, conbad disability and extreme sports accidents.

"Most of the claims have been heart disease, cancer and infectious diseases." For cancer, participants of Mandiri Inhealth can benefit from examination and treatment by PET / CT at RS Siloam TB Simatupang . "

In addition to PET / CT for cancer, RS Simatupang TB Siloam As a tool for cardiac examination, sleep apnea, medical rehabilitation, at the diabetes clinic and the Team of neurosurgeons experts.

Iwan also stated that up to 50% of the clients of 1100 companies are Gold. Platinum clbad clients, Mandiri Inhealth Gold clients can also take advantage of health services at RS Siloam TB Simatupang.

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